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Voter Registration

Voter Registration

Register to Vote

To vote in Pennsylvania, you must register at least 15 days before the election.

There are several ways to register to vote: Online, by mail, or by visiting the Election Services office or other government agencies, like PennDOT.


The deadline to register to vote for the 2025 Municipal Primary is Monday, May 5, 2025.

The deadline for in-person voter registration is 15 days prior to each primary or election. Registration applications must be received by the Election Services office no later than 5 p.m. on the voter registration deadline in order to be processed for the upcoming primary or election.

Registering to Vote at the Elections Office

You may register to vote at the Berks County Elections Office, 633 Court Street, located at the corner of Court and Reed Streets in downtown Reading.  Regular business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The telephone number is (610) 478-6490.

Registering to Vote by Mail

You may register to vote by mail. Paper registration forms can be picked up at the Election Services Office and are available at many Municipal Buildings, State Liquor Stores and some branches of the United States Postal Service. You can also obtain registration forms from many Federal, State Senate and State House Representative offices or from your local political party committee. 

The form can also be downloaded to be completed and mailed to: 

Attn: Election Services

Berks County Services Center

633 Court Street, 1st Floor

Reading, PA 19601

Registering to Vote at PennDot Driver's License Centers

You may register to vote or update your voter registration information when applying for or renewing your Pennsylvania Driver's License. 

Register to Vote at Government Agencies

In addition to PennDOT, you can register to vote at many other state government offices, including:

    • State offices that provide public assistance and services to persons with disabilities
    • Armed Forces Recruitment Centers
    • County Clerk of Orphans' Court offices, including each Marriage License Bureau
    • Area Agencies on Aging
    • Centers for Independent Living
    • County Mental Health and Mental Retardation offices
    • Student disability services offices of the State System of Higher Education
    • Offices of Special Education
    • DA Complementary Paratransit offices

PLEASE NOTE: In Pennsylvania, all election documents require an actual signature.

Pennsylvania law provides for permanent voter registration, unless the voter's registration should be cancelled in accordance with law. All electors, except those in the military service of the United States and bedridden or hospitalized war veterans unavoidably absent from their county of residence, must be registered to be eligible to vote

 WARNING: As of Jan. 1, 2003, under the Federal Help America Vote Act of 2002, all new registrations must include your PA driver's license number. If you do not have a valid PA driver's license, then you may use the last four digits of your Social Security Number. 


Updating Voter Registration

You must update your voter registration if you:

    • Move or change your address,
    • Change your name
    • Wish to change your party. 

You can update your voter registration through any of the options listed above and checking the correct box under #3 on the form.  

You may also update your signature by completing a voter registration form. It is important to keep a current version of your signature in your voter record, especially if your handwriting has changed through the years.