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Welcome To The Etchberger Veterans Service Center Of Berks County

Welcome To The Etchberger Veterans Service Center Of Berks County


Our mission places Berks County Veterans First by connecting our Heroes and families with the benefits and care they’ve earned, while promoting a community that honors their service and supports their optimal wellbeing.

News, Notices, Announcements

Notice of department moving

Veterans Crisis Line Dial 988 then Press 1 image
Veterans Crisis Line 988 then Press 1

988 is a dedicated crisis line for Veterans to call for immediate assistance. Click learn more below or text to 838255

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Berks County Veterans Temporary Assistance Grant (BCVTA)

NEW Veteran's Temporary Assistance Grant!!!

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Additional Resources

The Berks County Board of Commissioners, in appreciation for the many sacrifices made by our military veterans, takes great pride in supporting its Department of Veterans Affairs in making available to those veterans and their dependents, the services and benefits that follow.

For a list of Berks County Veteran Service Organizations and Non-Profits 

The Berks County Board of Commissioners provides two drop box locations for weathered or damaged flags to be properly retired. The drop boxes are located at:

  • The main entrance to the Berks County Agriculture Center, 1238 County Road, Leesport PA 19533. It is available to the community 24/7.
  • The main lobby of the County Services Center Building, 633 Court Street, Reading PA 19601. It is available to the community Monday - Friday from 8am -5pm (except federal holidays)
  • Reading Regional Airport (in front of the remote Berks County Sheriff's Office)
  • Berks County Veterans Affairs, 20 Commerce Drive, Wyomissing, PA 19610

Flags are stored until proper retirement can be arranged. If you or your group would like to host a flag retirement ceremony, please call the Berks County Department of Veterans Affairs to make arrangements.

United States flags used to drape the coffin of a deceased military veteran can be donated to the National Cemetery at Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville PA. Our office can assist you when making the donation.

The Etchberger Veterans Service Center a.k.a. the Berks County Department of Veterans Affairs is proud to announce our newly formed Berks County Veterans Temporary Assistance (BCVTA) Grant Program beginning February 2022. With seed funding sponsorships from the PA Department of Military and Veterans Affairs(PADMVA) Veterans Trust Fund, PA LINK to Aging and Disability Resources (ARDC) Abilities in Motion, and Visions Federal Credit Union; the fund will be used as a supplemental community resource in Berks County to support veterans and their families who are facing recent financial hardship and need temporary support to overcome hurdles encountered outside of their own control.

This is a veteran's fund specifically designed to raise funds in Berks County and to serve Berks County Veterans and their families in need with support and direct oversight from the Berks County Controllers Office.

Requests for support will be based on the following eligibility criteria:
  • Active-Duty Military Service (DD214 or Military Discharge Documents)
  • Recent Event (within the past 1-year, outside applicants’ control)
  • Financial Need (Monthly Expenses meet or exceed gross household income)
    • Sudden and Unexpected
      • Loss of Income, and/or
      • Increase in Expenses
  • Request for Assistance for Necessities of Life (i.e. Bus Passes, Emergency Shelter, Food, Utilities, Vehicle repair for work, etc.)
  • Over 60 years of age
  • Under 60 years of age but living with a disability

*Request for support shall not exceed $500 within a calendar year*
If you or someone you know would like to support this fund, we would appreciate all donations at The Etchberger Veterans Service Center or directly to:
Tompkins VIST Bank
1210 Rockland Street
Reading PA 19604
Berks County Veterans Affairs
Temporary Assistance Grant Fund (Private)
Account: *******760

Thank you for your consideration and support.
List of all VA Approved Mobile Applications for your smartphone: VA App Store | VA Mobile

Disclaimer: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) continues to improve access to VA benefits for veterans and their families by making it easier to file and check the status of your claims with online resources like www.ebenefits.va.gov and www.VA.gov. Prior to filing a claim, our office encourages you to speak with a Nationally Accredited and Certified Veterans Services Officer (VSO) given the complexity of the VA claims process. For a list of Accredited National Service Organizations, visit https://www.va.gov/vso/.