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Funeral Directors

Funeral Directors

$75 County Burial Debit Card Benefit Guidance:

For a veteran or spouse of a veteran to qualify for the $75 County Burial Benefit the veteran MUST HAVE "Active-Duty Wartime Service" during a federally recognized period of war.

Federally Recognized Periods of War:

  • WWII-------------12/7/1941 – 12/31/1946
  • (continuous service from 12/31/1946 – 07/26/1947 also qualifies)
  • Korean----------6/27/1950 – 1/31/1955
  • Vietnam---------11/1/1955 – 5/7/1975 for veterans who DID serve in Country
  • Vietnam---------8/5/1964 – 5/7/1975 for veterans who DID NOT serve in Country
  • Persian Gulf---8/2/1990 – Present (End date TBD by Presidential Proclamation or law)

*A veteran without active-duty service documented on their Discharge Documents(s) within the dates listed above ARE NOT entitled to the county burial benefit*

After verification of wartime service:

The following documents must be Emailed to the Berks County Veterans Affairs at Veterans@berkspa.gov 

  • DD-214/DD-215 or military discharge document
  • Death Certificate
  • Funeral Bill/Invoice:
    • If the bill is marked "Paid in full," then the person listed on the statement receives the refund. 
    • If the account is not marked "Paid in full," the funeral home gets a refund.

If there are questions regarding this guidance or eligibility of a veteran or dependent for this benefit please reach out to Berks County Veterans Affairs at Veterans@berkspa.gov or (610) 978-5601.  

Requesting Condolence Cards:

To request condolence cards, please email Veterans@berkspa.gov and tell us how many of the Condolence Cards you need.  When the order is ready for you, we will let you know when you can come by to pick them up.  If you have any questions, please call (610) 378-5601.


Veterans County Burial Application

Widow County Burial Application

Headstone Reimbursement