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Berks County Treasurer

Berks County Treasurer

Mission Statement

Maximize the return of investments held by the County according to statute and required regulation.

Goals & Objectives

The goal and objective of the Treasurer’s Office is currently working with the townships & municipalities to implement credit card payment processing for the current year real estate taxes.  

About The Department

The Treasurer is the custodian of the County money. The Treasurer collects real estate taxes, fees and receipts to disburse all funds after authorization by the Controller and the Commissioners. This department also issues licenses for Bingo, Small Games of Chance, hunting, fishing, dogs, and pistol permits (when used in conjunction with hunting and fishing). We also manage hotel tax for all hotels within the County limits.

Important Notices

2025 Real Estate Tax Bills
New County Real Estate Tax Rate
Appointments Available


Image of a german shepard
Dog Licenses

Do you have an updated dog license? State Law requires ALL dogs over 3 months of age to be licensed.

Image of people fishing
Fishing License

You qualify for a RESIDENT fishing license if you are a bona fide resident of Pennsylvania.

Image of a deer in the woods
Hunting License

Hunting licenses generally start sale in June of each year.

Image of Bingo number selector
Bingo License

The Bingo Law stipulates non-profit organizations which have existed and conducted business two years prior to application can place an application with the Treasurer's Office.

Set of dice
Small Games of Chance

A game of chance may be played as gambling if players wage money or anything of monetary value.

Image of a form
Hotel Tax

Hotel tax supports the important factor in the promotion and expansion of business, industry, commerce and tourism in the Berks County area

Information and Resources