Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas
Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas
The Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas (Prothonotary) is the Chief Clerk and record keeper for all filings related to civil cases. The office is located on the 2nd floor of the Berks County Courthouse and is responsible for the filing, recording and processing of all civil actions, family court matters, equity actions, judgments, federal, state and local tax liens, municipal liens, arbitrations, license suspension appeals and appeals to higher court. These are just some of the kinds of filings the office processes.
The office also files and records all judgments, orders and decrees of court and e-mails or snail mails notice of such entries to parties and/or counsel in each case. The office issues writs and processes many other legal documents. We review pleadings filed for compliance with the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure and Berks County Rules of Court. Filing fees are collected for services rendered and remitted to the County and State. This revenue covers all daily operating expenses of the office, essentially making it self-supporting.
President Harry S. Truman, in a campaign stop in Pittsburgh in 1948, was introduced to a Pennsylvania Prothonotary. "What the Hell is a Prothonotary?" the President asked. Learn more about what a Prothonotary really is! Listen to the Your Pennsylvania Ancestors! Podcast with Denys Allen and Prothonotary Jonathan Del Collo by clicking the link below.
News / Announcements

Information for divorce and custody self-represented litigants.

Current Prothonotary Office Fee Schedule (Effective January 1, 2024)
E-Filing Information (Currently Attorneys Only)
Filings That CANNOT Be E-Filed - Updated 4/1/2019
Instructions for Electronic Arbitration Form & Helpful Hints - 6/15/2020