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Traffic Counts

Traffic Counts

Traffic volumes for major roads in all counties and the Commonwealth are available from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Transportation's site (Note: You will be leaving the Berks County web site and will be transferred to PennDOT's site).

Link to County Traffic Volume Maps (.PDF format)

These are traffic volume maps for individual counties. The maps are quite large and will take some time to download for viewing. This link takes you to PennDOT's web site, where you can then navigate to individual county maps.

Link to PennDOT's Traffic Information Repository

Interactive site that allows you to identify traffic volumes for specific locations state-wide.

Link to PennDOT Berks County-Specific Traffic Improvements

One Map is a web-based GIS mapping application for accessing highway and bridge project data for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  As PennDOT updates their information, it is reflected here.

If you need volume data for roadways not shown at PennDOT's site, contact the Planning Commission offices for further assistance.