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Blighted Property Review Committee Information

Blighted Property Review Committee Information

Background Information

The Blighted Property Review Committee (BPRC) was created in 2015 to eliminate blighted conditions upon certain derelict properties that individually and collectively constitute a blight and nuisance in County neighborhoods. The Committee is comprised of 5 members.

Municipalities refer subject properties to the Committee who works with property owners to voluntarily remove blight. If conditions are not removed, the Committee can certify the property as blighted and submit it to the Berks County Redevelopment Authority (BCRA). The Redevelopment Authority can acquire such properties through the power of eminent domain and then hold, clear, manage, or dispose of such properties for reuse.

Committee Members

Eileen Kastura, Chairman

Denise Commings, Vice Chairman

Ronald Heim, Secretary

Michael S. Rivera, County Commissioner

Lee Olsen, AIA, Olsen Design Architects

Joan E. London, Esq. Solicitor

BCRA Staff Members

Pauline Klopp, Redevelopment Generalist

Blighted Property Referral Form

Referral Form

Contact Information


Berks County Redevelopment Authority

400 E. Wyomissing Avenue

Ground Floor, Suite 2

Mohnton, PA  19540

Phone: 610-478-6325

Fax: 610-478-6326

Email: pklopp@berksredevelop.org