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Community Service

Community Service

Image of hands coming togetherThe Berks County Juvenile Probation Office has been utilizing community service since the late 1980's. The program continues to grow and adapt to the needs of the offenders, the judicial system, and the community at large. A community service order requires the offender to pay a debt to society by working in the community. In doing this, offenders are held directly accountable for their actions. This program allows for the placement and monitoring of juveniles at non-profit, municipal agencies, and school districts.

The Community Service Program functions as a positive activity for the juvenile and is also beneficial and cost-effective for the community. Under Act 303, worksites are immune from liability for any worker that the probation office has placed with them. 

The Community Service Program is utilized to work court-ordered hours, as well as work off Court Costs, fines and restitution owed to victims. It may also be used in lieu of placement, as a stimulus to seek employment, or as a motivator for appropriate behavior in school. The majority of juveniles are placed on an individual basis. There is, however, a supervised crew available on a limited basis during the summer months. The Community Service Program strives to create the best possible match between the needs of the worksite and the abilities and needs of the juvenile. Each worksite is allowed to interview a potential worker as they would any other "volunteer" and dismiss them at any time if the arrangement is not working as anticipated. 

The Berks County Juvenile Probation Community Service Program consists of several segments:

  • Community Service for clients on probation to work off Court ordered hours, fines, Court Costs, or service fees.
  • Restitution Incentive Program which allows hours to be converted to a dollar amount so a restitution check can be sent to the victim.
  • Magisterial District Court Judges segment which allows County Magistrates to impose community service hours in lieu of fines for summary citations.

We are always in need of new worksites for our clients. If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact the Berks County Juvenile Probation Office and ask to speak with Assistant Chief, Andre Castiglioni.