Common Terms
Common Terms
ABA-Applied Behavior Analysis-type of treatment typically used for individuals on the Autism Spectrum
ABAS-Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-utilized in conjunction with a psychological evaluation to determine eligibility for the IDD System. The ABAS provides a complete assessment of adaptive skills across the life span
ACT-Assertive Community Treatment- an evidence-based practice that uses a multidisciplinary team to provide comprehensive services to address the needs of persons with serious behavioral health conditions
ADA-Americans with Disabilities Act
ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADL-Activities of Daily Living
AE-Administrative Entity-unit at SAM responsible for the administration of base and waiver funded developmental disability services
APA – Alternative Payment Arrangement-alternative way to pay for services by offering incentives
APS-Adult Protective Services
ASAM-American Society of Addiction Medicine-establishes guidelines for addiction medicine and substance use disorder services
ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder-neurological and developmental disorder
ASERT-Autism Services, Education, Resources and Training-partnership of medical centers, universities, and research centers regarding best practices for individuals with Autism
AT-Assistive Technology-assistive products and services that aid in mobility, communication skills, etc.
BCPS-Berks Connections Pre-Trial Services – a program providing assessment, education and planning to assist with the transition to employment
BKHC-Berks Health Choices Program
BCCYS-Berks County Children Youth Services-Berks County child welfare agency mandated to investigate child abuse/neglect and provide oversight to the child welfare system
BH-Behavioral Health
BH-MCO-Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization
BSC-Behavioral Specialist Consultant-Doctoral level individual who develops behavioral plans and performs functional assessments
BSE-Bureau of Special Education
BSU-Base Service Unit-organization that determines eligibility and payment of services for MH/DD/EI services
CAAC-County Administrators Advisory Committee which is part of the County Commissioners Association of PA
CAC-Certified Addictions Counselor
CADC-Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor
CAO-County Assistance Office-determines eligibility for Medical Assistance
CASSP-Child and Adolescent Service System Program. CASSP helps children, adolescents and their families gain access to needed services. These services are planned collaboratively with the child/adolescent, their family, the child serving systems and other agencies
CCBH-Community Care Behavioral Health -behavioral health Medicaid managed care organization that is the sub-contractor for the Berks HealthChoices Program since 2001
CCRI-Consolidated Community Reporting Initiative-Reporting system for mental health service delivery in PA.
C/FST-Consumer/Family Satisfaction Team-conducts satisfaction surveys for Medicaid individuals receiving behavioral health services
CHC-Community HealthChoices-a Medicaid managed care program for individuals who qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid
CHIPP-Community Hospital Integration Program Project-references program dollars and individuals who are discharged from the State Hospital or diverted from admission to a State Hospital facility
CHW-Community Health Worker-assists Medicaid members and families to navigate and access community resources and services in a team-based approach
CLA-Community Living Arrangement-group home setting for individuals with developmental disabilities
CLW-Community Living Waiver-available to individuals with developmental disabilities. There is a financial cap for this service
CMS-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-federal payment source
COCA – Council on Chemical Abuse- Non-profit agency providing addiction resources, prevention education and recovery support. COCA is the Berks Count SCA. See SCA
COE-Center of Excellence-provides comprehensive services to individuals with opioid use disorders
Consolidated Waiver-Developmental Disabilities waiver with no financial cap
CPS-Child Protective Services-Children and Youth term for child safety
CPS-Community Participation Support-Day programming for individuals with Developmental Disabilities
CRR-Community Residential Rehabilitation-group home licensed setting for individuals with mental illness
CRR Host Home-Community Residential Rehabilitation Host Home-therapeutic foster care paid by Medicaid
CRS – Crisis Residential Services-short term residential treatment for adults to stabilize symptoms and behaviors in lieu of hospitalization
CSP-Community Support Program-grassroots group of individuals who focus on holistic needs of adult individuals with mental illness
CYS-Children & Youth Services – a county-based agency focused on protecting children and assuring their physical and emotional well-being and empowering families
D&A-Drug and Alcohol
DD-Developmental Disability-also referred to as intellectual development disability
DDAP-Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs-state organization overseeing drug/alcohol programs in PA
DDTT-Dual Diagnosis Treatment Team-provides services to individuals with co-occurring mental health and intellectual disabilities
DHS-Department of Human Services-state agency that oversees MH/DD/EI and HealthChoices.
DSM-5-Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Ed
DSP- Direct Support Professional-employee who provides direct care for individuals with developmental disabilities.
ECO-Early Childhood Outcomes-completed during the beginning of Early Intervention Services and at discharge from Early Intervention Services. This is assigned to a provider and is completed utilizing the Ounce scale and is documented in the data base. It is utilized to gauge a child’s progress from entry to exit
ED or ER- Emergency Department or Emergency Room
EI-Early Intervention-provides services from birth through age 3 for developmental disorders
EPSDT-Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment-comprehensive preventative services for Medicaid recipients under the age of 21
ER-Evaluation Report-special education evaluation
ESY-Extended School Year-summer programming for students with IEPs
EVS-Eligibility Verification System-data base for eligibility for Medical Assistance
FAPE-Free Appropriate Public Education
FBMHS-Family Based Mental Health Services-intensive behavioral health services delivered by a team for a period of 32 weeks
FFS-Fee For Service-payment method where billing occurs for units of service
FQHC-Federally Qualified Health Center-provide coordinated behavioral and physical health services
FSS-Family Support Services-support families to assist with the special needs of individuals with disabilities
FWA-Fraud, Waste and Abuse
GED-General Equivalency Diploma
GRMHA-Greater Reading Mental Health Alliance-organization that advocates for individuals with mental illness, provides representative payee services, and peer support.
GPS-General Protective Services-term used in Child Welfare for case management services in the community
HAP-Homeless Assistance Program-state funding aimed at preventing homelessness and assisting those who are experiencing homelessness
HC- HealthChoices-Pennsylvania’s managed care system for Medicaid recipients-both behavioral health and physical health HC
HCBS-Home and Community Based Services-provides opportunities to receive services in the community rather than institutional care
HCQU-Health Care Quality Unit-nursing organization that provides training and consultation for staff that support individuals with developmental disabilities
HCSIS-Home and Community Services Information System-State data base for MH/DD services
HIPAA-Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
HMO-Health Maintenance Organization
HRP-Health Risk Profile-tool used to define and mitigate risk for individuals receiving developmental disability services.
HSDF- Human Service Development Fund-state funding to support Counties with various unmet needs
IBHS-Intensive Behavioral Health Services – community support services for children, youth, and young adults with mental, emotional, and behavioral health needs
ICF/MR-Intermediate Care Facility/Mental Retardation-larger congregate care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities
ICWC-Integrated Community Wellness Center-provides comprehensive behavioral and physical health services.
IDD-Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
IDEA-Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP-Individualized Education Plan-school district plan for education
IFSP-Individualized Family Service Plan-utilized in Early Intervention and is part of a data base. It is a document developed by the infant/toddlers family and service coordinator which outlines outcomes and services for the child
IM-Incident Management-Documentation, Investigation, and Analysis of incidents that involve health and safety of an individual receiving services
IM4Q-Independent Monitoring for Quality-team that interviews recipients and families receiving services in the Developmental Disabilities system
IOP-Intensive Outpatient-outpatient substance use disorder therapy that occurs several times per week
IP-Inpatient Mental Health hospitalization intended for acute stabilization of symptoms and reducing risk to self or others
IQ-Intelligence Quotient-measurement that determines eligibility for Developmental Disabilities.
ISO-Intermediary Service Organization
ISP-Individual Support Plan-comprehensive document that highlights an individuals life domains and how best to be supported to live successfully in the community.
IST-Instructional Support Team-educational team for a student
IU-Intermediate Unit
JCAHO-Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JPO-Juvenile Probation Office
LEA-Local Educational Agency-School district of the individual student
LRE-Least Restrictive Environment-Care in the least intrusive environment for the individual
LS-Learning Support
LSS-Life Skills Support
LSW-Licensed Social Worker
MA-Medical Assistance
MAT-Medicated Assisted Treatment-for substance use disorders
MCO-Managed Care Organization
MDE-Multidisciplinary Evaluation-comprehensive evaluation that documents all the domains in an individual’s life
MDT-Multidisciplinary Team-comprised of all paid staff and family and natural supports for an individual or family
MH-Mental Health
MH/DD-Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities
MISA-Mentally Ill Substance Abuse
MST-Multisystemic Therapy-type of treatment delivered in a community team model for delinquent type behaviors
MSW-Master of Social Work
MT-Mobile Therapist-therapy delivered in the community as part of IBHS
NAMI – National Alliance on Mental Illness – grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for Americans affected by mental illness
OCDEL-Office of Child Development and Early Learning-a state office within the PA Department of Human Services that develops, monitors, and evaluates early intervention services within the state
ODP-Office of Developmental Programs-a state office within the PA Department of Human Services that develops, monitors, and evaluates developmental disability services within the state
OLTL-Office of Long-Term Living
OMAP- Office of Medical Assistance Programs
OMHSAS-Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services-a state office within the PA Department of Human Services that develops, monitors and evaluates mental health and substance abuse services in partnerships with counties, consumers, families and other stakeholders.
OP- Outpatient-for Mental Health and/or Substance Use Disorder
OT- Occupational Therapy
OVR- Office of Vocational Rehabilitation-provides job testing and readiness for individuals with disabilities to obtain employment
PaTTAN- Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network-organization that provides technical assistance to staff and families receiving Early Intervention services
PCP- Primary Care Physician
PCPA-Pennsylvania Community Providers Association-provide trade organization.
PDE- Pennsylvania Department of Education
P/FDS-Person/Family Directed Support Waiver-developmental disabilities waiver with a financial cap.
PH-Physical Health
PH/BH-Physical Health/Behavioral Health
PH-MCO-Physical Health Managed Care Organization
PHP- Partial Hospitalization Program-intensive treatment several hours per day, several days per week.
PIN- Parent Involved Network-organization that matches families together based on disability for advocacy and support
PSS-Peer Support Services
PUNS-Prioritization of Urgency of Need-criteria to determine urgency of need for waiver services in the developmental disability system. The three categories are Planning, Critical, and Emergency
QA and I-Quality Assurance and Improvement-ensure the delivery of quality services based on performance indicators
QM-Quality Management
QMRP-Qualified Mental Retardation Professional-individual that has experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Their role is to certify an individual’s initial and continued eligibility to receive services.
RTF-Residential Treatment Facility-Facility where children/adolescents live temporarily to receive intensive treatment for severe emotional or behavioral disorders that cannot be managed in the community
RTF-A-Residential Treatment Facility- Adult- A highly structured therapeutic residential mental health treatment facility designed to serve persons 18 years of age or older who do not need hospitalization but who require mental health treatment and supervision on an ongoing 24-hour basis. The 6-bed Adult Residential Treatment facility is operated by Threshold Rehabilitation Services and is funded by Medicaid
SAM – Service Access & Management-serves as the base service unit for Berks County MH/DD, performs eligibility for services for developmental disabilities and early intervention services and provides case management for MH/DD/EI
SAMHSA- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration-federal office
SAP- Student Assistance Program-program that assists schools by performing mental health and drug/alcohol assessments to students to ascertain treatment needs
SC-Supports Coordinator-case management in the developmental disabilities system
SC-Service Coordinator-case management in the Early Intervention system
SCA- Single County Authority-responsible for drug/alcohol programming within the counties. See COCA.
SDoH-Social Determinants of Health-Conditions and circumstances that effect individuals’ health outcomes such as food insecurity, financial strain, employment, housing insecurity/homelessness, utilities, transportation, access to childcare, and clothing
SED-Serious Emotional Disturbance
SMI-Serious Mental Illness
SIS-Supports Intensity Scale-metric to establish the level of support needed to safely support an individual with developmental disabilities in the community
SPMI-Serious and Persistent Mental Illness
SSDI- Supplemental Security Disability Income
SSI- Supplemental Security Income
SPTF-Suicide Prevention Task Force – a county task force aimed at addressing community factors associated with suicide risk and prevention through education, training, outreach, and service coordination.
TCM-Targeted Case Management-case management billed to Medical Assistance, which includes blended case management (BCM), intensive case management (ICM), and resource coordination (RC)
VBP – Value-Based Purchasing —DHS’ initiative to transition providers from volume to value based payment models for the delivery of behavioral health services in order to align improved quality and efficiency of care by rewarding providers for their measured performance
WIC- Women, Infants, and Children-federal program that provides nutrition and formula for infants and young children