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Draft 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan

Draft 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan

Welcome to the Reading Area Transportation Study's (RATS) FFY 2027-2050 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Development Portal.  This page will be dedicated to public outreach as we develop an all new, updated LRTP.  As background, the LRTP - a document required by federal transportation planning legislation - provides context and detail to support and fund future transportation projects.  This Plan addresses how we can meet the expectations for Berks County’s transportation system over a 20-year period.  The challenges for us to build, operate, and maintain a system that meets the needs of the County have never been greater.  To meet these challenges, this plan presents quality information in understandable terms and is flexible enough to adapt to a constantly changing landscape of needs and resources.  The LRTP discusses socioeconomic trends affecting travel, the current state of the County transportation network and characterizes transportation needs and multimodal transportation strategies to address these needs.  The plan must be reviewed and updated every four years.  RATS has considered all locally available modes of transportation in compiling this plan, including the existing and future highway system, railroads, air travel, public transit, bicycle and pedestrian travel, and methods for improving intermodal connections for freight.  Elements of the plan include an inventory of the County’s transportation system, a listing of current and future issues that will need to be addressed, and a discussion of strategies to alleviate or eliminate these problems and achieve the stated goals and objectives by the year 2050.

As the Public Information Portal, this page will be updated throughout the Plan Development Process which will conclude on RATS adoption, currently anticipated for May 2026.   Once approved by RATS, the LRTP will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation for their concurrence.  RATS anticipates approval by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in September 2026 as the Federal Fiscal Year for 2027 begins October 1, 2026.

Here you will find updated timelines, meeting notices and minutes, publicly available surveys, and other timely updates.  Questions and concerns can also be sent to planning@berkspa.gov.

Graphic Timeline

October Public Input Meetings Advertisement and Public Notice (English) (Spanish)