We Review PENNVEST Applications
We Review PENNVEST Applications
Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority or PENNVEST is an independent authority that provides loans and grants for water, sewer and storm waste projects across Pennsylvania. Individual homeowners can also apply for these low-interest loans in order to repair or replacement their malfunctioning on-lot septic system.
To ensure that local planning, and agricultural preservation initiatives are considered before the committing state funds, agencies such as County Planning Commissions and County Agricultural Land Preservation Boards review all project applications. The task of the Berks County Agricultural Land Preservation Board (Board) is to comment on the potential impact that individual projects will have on farmland and the Agricultural Conservation Easement (ACE) Program within the proposed project area.
If you or your municipality is considering applying for PENNVEST funding, please contact the Authority at (717) 787-8137 or online at PENNVEST.
Listed below is information that the Board will need to effectively review the application. If you have any further questions, please contact the Board’s office at (610) 378-1844. Please note: The board will only review projects that are in the process of applying for PENNVEST funding.
- Copy of the Plan Summary from the engineering firm;
- Site Plan- key map, survey or plot drawing;
- Location map of the site - USGS 7.5 minute quad map;
- Comments or responses from the Berks County Planning Commission;
- List of Parcel Identification Numbers (PIN) that are affected by the proposed site;
- Contact names and telephone numbers of engineers or township representatives involved in the project;
- Any other information that the applicant deems pertinent in order for the review to be completed as efficiently as possible.
Matters to be presented to the Berks County Agricultural Land Preservation Board (BCALPB) that may require legal review must be submitted to the BCALPB by 12:00 noon three (3) weeks prior to a regular board meeting. If legal counsel will attend the regular board meeting of the BCALPB to discuss the matter, the applicant’s attorney must also submit a legal argument to the BCALPB’s solicitor by 12:00 noon three (3) weeks prior to the regular board meeting. Non-legal matters to be brought before the BCALPB for discussion shall be received by 12:00 noon two (2) weeks prior to the regular board meeting unless an exception is approved by the Executive Director or board officer.
*** It is suggested that any municipality or engineering firm that is considering submitting information for the BCALPB to review, to call our office to confirm the Board meeting date.