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Resources For ACE Participants

Resources For ACE Participants

This page has been designed to assist those landowners that participate in the Berks County Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.

Modifications to the Agricultural Conservation Easement

Please fill out and submit the relevant easement modification request form below for any changes to the preserved farm, including: any new construction or modification of agricultural buildings, construction of a residence, subdivision, or a rural enterprise.  Attachment 1 provides further information regarding necessary documentation and permitted modifications.  

(The documents below are being updated, and the links will appear soon. Thank you for your patience!)

Construction or modification of agricultural buildings

Modification or replacement of an existing residence or personal use structure 

Construction of a residence


Rural enterprise

Other Resources

Inspections of preserved farms

Selling or Transferring a Protected Farm

Conservation Plan Updates 

PA Department of Agriculture - Farmland Preservation for assistance for preserved farms with transition, succession, and business planning