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Berks Resource Parents Home

Berks Resource Parents Home

Expectations of a Resource Parent

  • Provide care, nurturing, and supervision for a child.
  • Provide transportation to doctor appointments, therapy appointments, visitation with biological parents, and court hearings.
  • Provide monthly documentation of the child’s progress in your home.
  • Knowing that you are having a positive impact on the life of a child.
  • A per diem rate per day that the child is in your home with assist with the financial burden of having a child in your home.
  • Reimbursement for mileage for travel to all of the child’s appointments.
  • WIC program for up to age 5 to help with the cost of formula and food.
  • Headstart Ages 3-5 — Preschool Program for children.
  • Day Care Subsidy through the Berks County Intermediate Unit.
  • Free School Lunches

How To Become a Resource Parent

  • Contact us at 610-478-6700
  • After completing a short informational sheet, a caseworker will reach out to provide the necessary paperwork.
  • Attend a Pre-Service Training Program through Berks County Children and Youth Services.
  • Participate in a home study wherein a caseworker will come to your home, talk with you and your family, and get to know you over multiple visits.
  • After completing the paperwork, training, and home visits, your file will be reviewed by the Permanency Services Manager for approval if all necessary requirements are met.

Silhouettes Jumping

"A Child's Happiness is Priceless"

BCCYS Resource Parent Coordinators

Yileine Caolo

(610) 478-6700 (x6787)

Rosemary Nunez

(610) 478-6700 (x6812)

Cindy Hartz

(610) 478-6700 (x6777) 

Diana Oriol

(610) 478-6700 (x6831)

Information / Resources


Yes, part of the home study process is for you to tell us what type of child you want to foster. The biggest need is for families who are willing to take older children and sibling groups. Many times siblings are split up when they are placed in foster care and whenever possible we want to keep them together.
Yes, we always try to not bounce a child from foster home to foster home. So whenever a child is having a problem in your home, we ask that you notify your caseworker immediately. The agency will assist you in trying to improve the child’s behavior, or what the “issue” is with the child. If as a team we can not fix what the issue is, we asked families to give us a 30 day notice. This will allow us to find a new family and do visits so that the transition to the new foster home is easier on the child.
Each child who is placed in foster care is covered by one of three medical assistance plans for Berks County. The child will be assigned to one of the medical assistance plans. Under the plan all medical expenses, including prescriptions are covered. Due to trying to keep continuity of care, the child will continue to see the doctor which they saw when they were with their biological parents.
When a caseworker in the agency has a potential placement they will provide the foster care coordinators with information they have on a child. At that time, a foster family is contacted. You will be provided with whatever information the foster care coordinator has. At that time you will have the opportunity to decide if the placement is right for your family. If you say yes to the placement, a caseworker will bring the child to your home.
No. In order for foster care to be successful the family needs to know what they can and can not handle. If you are called with a placement and that placement does not seem right for your family, you do not need to accept the placement.
Yes, the children placed in your care will have visitation with the biological parents. We are required to offer parents visits every other week for one hour. However it is the practice of our agency to offer parents weekly and sometimes twice a week visitation. As a foster parent you are expected to provide transportation to the visit for the child. At the beginning and the end of the visit you will have contact with the biological parents. You will not be expected to supervise the visit or stay during the visit.
In order to become a foster family there is little cost to you. The home study and training program is free, but you will need to pay for the following
  • Medical exams by your doctor
  • Childline and State Police Clearances ($20 for each individual 14 years or older who reside in your home)
  • Water Test (if you have your own well)
  • FBI Clearances (if you have not resided in Pennsylvania since you turned 18 years old) The cost of these are $37 per individual)
  • Items to meet the safety regulations (i.e. fire extinguisher smoke detector on each floor, guns must be in a locked cabinet)
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