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Bicycle And Pedestrian Planning

Bicycle And Pedestrian Planning

In an effort to promote clean, healthy and affordable alternative forms of travel, the federal government and PennDOT heartily endorse planning - for and implementing bicycle and pedestrian projects and improvements.  This goes beyond sidewalks, curb ramps and recreational paths, though those functions are often interrelated.  Bicycle and pedestrian modes must be thought of as a contiguous network interwoven with the entire transportation system. To that end, the Berks County Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan 2020 serves as the non-motorized component of the overall Berks County Long-Range Transportation Plan.


From mid-2018 to early 2020, the MPO staff worked with the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan Advisory Committee to update the 2010 Plan.  The result of that cooperative effort was the Berks County Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan 2020.  The Plan was adopted by the MPO on July 16, 2020, and was officially amended with updated project maps in 2022.  The new Plan is large, so it is divided into three (3) sections for easier viewing:

  1. Cover, Table of Contents, Introduction, Vision and Goals, Current State, Transit
  2. Active Transportation, Survey Responses
  3. Project Prioritization, Funding, Implementation