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Plans, Programs and Reports

Plans, Programs and Reports

Project Planning and Programming

How a project goes from an idea to reality

FFY 2023-2045 Long Range Transportation Plan

What we would like to see accomplished in the next 20 years​

DRAFT FFY 2027-2050 Long Range Transportation Plan Information Portal

Public Information Portal for the Draft 2050 Long Range Transportation Plan Update

FFY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program

(Effective 10/01/2024 through 9/30/2027)​
Here are the projects and dollars programmed for the next four years

Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning

Discusses issues related to non-motorized transportation in Berks County

Congestion Management Process

Examines congestion issues in 33 defined corridors in Berks

Regional Operations Plan

Methods to maximize the use of available roadway capacity without building more roads

System Condition Reports

Detailing the state of the transportation system in Berks County

Eastern PA Freight Infrastructure Plan

Recommendations for freight infrastructure for 10 counties in eastern Pennsylvania

Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)​

Annual agreement with PennDOT for staff planning activities on behalf of Reading MPO