FFY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program
FFY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program
FFY 2025 - 2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Environmental Justice Summary, and Air Quality Conformity Analysis
NOTE: This Program is in effect from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2028.
The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is the regionally agreed on list of priority projects required by federal transportation legislation. It lists all transportation projects in Berks County that intend to use federal funds over the next four years (FFY 2025-2028), along with non-federally funded projects that are regionally significant. The list is multi-modal, meaning that it includes highway, bridge, and public transit projects as well as non-traditional bicycle & pedestrian projects.
The FFY 2025-2028 TIP for Berks County contains 112 projects totaling $365.8 million for the phases to be advanced during the next four years. It includes 95 projects valued at $284.2 million addressing the highway system and bridges and 17 projects valued at $81.6 million addressing the transit system.
There is also a statewide Interstate Management Program that is separate from the regional TIP. There are two (2) Interstate Management Program projects located in Berks County with a value of $13.9 million.
(The following documents are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. To view a PDF document, you must have Adobe's free Acrobat Reader.)
Entire TIP Document (11 MB file size!)
Executive Summary (Resumen ejecutivo)
Cover Page & Table of Contents
SECTION 1: Introduction and Program Summary
General Overview of the TIP
Program Summary
Opportunity for Review and Public Comment
SECTION 2: Highway and Bridge Projects
Explanation of Project Descriptions, Maps, Codes and Abbreviations
Highway, Bridge and Enhancement Projects
Highway, Bridge and Enhancement Financial Plan
Interstate Management Program
Interstate Management Projects
Project Maps
Explanation of Maps, Project Descriptions, Codes and Abbreviations
Transit Projects
Transit Financial Plan
A. Procedures for TIP Administrative Actions
C. Air Quality Conformity Documentation and Resolution
D. MPO Organizational Structure and Self Certification Resolution
E. Public Participation Policy and Documentation
TIP Amendments/Modifications
Between the regular two-year updates to the TIP, it may become necessary to make Amendments (project additions or deletions) or Modifications (changes to project schedules or funding) based on updates to available funding levels, updated engineering and/or cost estimates, changing project schedules, or changing priorities. These changes are regulated by the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) found in Appendix A. As these changes are approved, we will post them here. The first document will list project- or phase-specific information. The second document will be an updated spreadsheet reflecting both prior and current changes to the program.
FFY 2025 Environmental Justice Summary
The Environmental Justice Summary reviews and identifies how the transportation planning process and transportation improvements identified in the TIP and LRTP are distributed within the region. The projects and programs are reviewed against the locations of various demographic groups throughout the county and assesses the potential effects of projects and programs. The steps used in the completion of these analyses are summarized in this report
Air Quality Conformity Analysis
The Air Quality Conformity Analysis is an integral part of the Transportation Improvement Program. Using the Planning Commission's Travel Demand Forecasting Model and USEPA's MOVES air quality emissions model, the mix of projects and strategies shown in the TIP has been shown to conform to air quality standards for ground-level ozone set for Berks County.