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About Sheriff's Department

About Sheriff's Department

The Berks County Sheriff's Office is staffed with 110 full-time employees, operates a fleet of 30 vehicles and occupies three floors of the Berks County Courthouse.  The office is responsible for elements of criminal court, civil court, enforcement of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code and Motor Vehicle Code, and has a licensing issuance and enforcement function.  The office service area not only includes all of Berks County but is often required to travel the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the entire United States.  The office services tens of thousands of civil customers in the county and handles over 12,000 criminal defendants each year. The Sheriff's Office is organized into 6 Divisions: Civil, Court, Patrol, Central Booking, K-9 and Warrants.

Duties Of The Sheriff 

  • To serve and enforce all orders of the Berks County Court of Common Pleas.
  • To provide security and protection for the Court of Common Pleas and court related functions.
  • To transport prisoners to and from county, state, and federal correctional institutions for court appearances.
  • To enforce the Pennsylvania Crimes Code and Motor Vehicle Code.
  • To operate the county Central Booking Center.
  • To assist other law enforcement agencies in Berks County whenever needed and in special law enforcement functions such as the Berks County Drug Task Force, Operation Nightlight, DUI Enforcement Checkpoints, Tobacco Compliance Enforcement and community events.
  • To serve bench warrants, civil writs and extradite fugitives from justice.
  • To serve and enforce Protection From Abuse orders.
  • To enforce child custody orders.
  • To conduct levies, sales of personal property and real estate.
  • To issue Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms and License to Sell Firearms.
  • To perform other duties as requested by the Court of Common Pleas and the County Commissioners.

Honor Guard

Photo of a soldier holding an American FlagBerks County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard

The Berks County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard was established by Sheriff Eric J. Weaknecht in January 2008. Its purpose is to honor fallen Berks County law enforcement officers both active and retired.  The Honor Guard also represents the Sheriff's Office at special events such as the Washington DC National Police Week, Berks Law Enforcement Memorial Day, community parades, graduations, sporting events and award ceremonies. The Honor Guard is also available to serve communities and police departments outside of Berks County.  

If your community or organization is interested in using the services of the Berks County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard, please contact our office at 610-478-6240 ext: 3262 

Mission Statement

The Honor Guard will promote honor, professionalism and integrity through its image and conduct at all times by holding the Sheriff's Office’s core values to the highest degree and to assist all officers and their families during their time of emotional duress from the loss of their loved one.  

The Honor Guard Unit is commanded by Sheriff Mandy Miller


Deputy Alicia Matson, Deputy Hunter Hart, Deputy Michael Jackson, Deputy David Hurley, Deputy Pedro Roldan, Deputy Timothy McFarland, Deputy Kenneth Rice, Deputy Destiny Roque, and Sgt. Brian Boyer, Chaplain 

Berks County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard wins 2018 competition.  Watch video below! 

Honor Guard 2018 Competition Video (YouTube)

Sheriff's Office Chaplain †

Reading Eagle: Lauren LittleThe Berks County Sheriff's Office Chaplain program was established by Sheriff Eric J. Weaknecht in January 2009. Its purpose is to make counseling and pastoral services available to deputies, their families, other office members and citizens of this community through the Chaplain's Program, whenever such services are requested.

If your community or organization is interested in using the services of the Berks County Sheriff's Office Chaplain, please contact our office at 610-478-6240 ext: 3262

Dan Kelly's Korner: Chaplain deputy is tending Berks Sheriff's flock (Reading Eagle 06/15/2009)

A Deputy Sheriff's Prayer 

Oh, Almighty God, whose great power

and eternal wisdom embraces the universe.

Please watch over all our Deputies.

Protect them in their everyday duties of serving papers,

traffic violations, riots, evictions, domestic violence, and more.

Give them the strength to accomplish

the difficult tasks that lie before them.

Give them the wisdom and quick reactions that will result

in the safety of the people in their community.

God, protect these brave men and women.

Grant them your Almighty protection

and please unite them safely with their families

after their duty has ended.
