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Berks County Probation & Parole

Berks County Probation & Parole

Intake Unit

Berks County Probation and Parole Intake Unit is responsible for the case initiation and several other fundamental functions for the Department. Foremost is the interviewing of individuals for Pre-Sentence Investigation reports (PSI), for processing newly sentenced offenders (Rules and CSST), and for admission into the ARD / DUI pre-trial program. Secondly, is the prior record research and calculation of prior record scores as part of the PSI reports as well as the generation and submission of sentencing guidelines to the courts and the Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing.   

All cases referred to the Intake Unit will be scheduled for the appropriate interview by a Unit officer. Please be cognizant that unless you are reporting directly from court, all interviews are pre-scheduled by the Unit.

If you have been scheduled for an intake interview and need to re-schedule or speak to an officer, please follow the links below to connect with them:

Wendy Ferrero - Supervisor

Mike Brown
Dena Dietrich
Brandi Dunsky
Mimi VanPelt
Shelly Edwards
Andrew Shearer
Steph Johnston

Intake Unit Snapshot

Pre-Sentence Investigations (PSI)

A PSI is ordered after a person has either plead or been found guilty, but before disposition and provides the sentencing judge with a comprehensive picture of the person as well as guidelines for sentencing. Individuals requiring a PSI will be instructed to report to the Adult Probation Office to be interviewed.

Individuals in custody will be scheduled to be interviewed by the APO Intake Unit via video conference.  

Individuals participating in Pre-Sentence Investigation interviews should allot at least 1 hour for the interview. Child care should be pre-arranged and your schedule should be cleared of any other appointments or obligations. 

Newly Sentenced Offenders

Following court disposition hearings, newly sentenced offenders are instructed to report to the APO for an intake interview which includes but is not limited to the review of the rules of probation, assignment of any special conditions of probation, administration of the assessment tool, and the assignment of a probation officer to the offender. 

Like with Pre-Sentence Investigation interviews, Newly Sentenced Offenders should allot at least 2 hours for the interview. Child care should be pre-arranged and your schedule should be cleared of any other appointments or obligations. 

ARD/DUI Pre-trial Program Interviews

ARD Program applications are completed at the magisterial level and potential participants are instructed to contact APO, (610) 478-3400 within three days of their arraignment hearing to schedule an intake appointment.