Prison Board
Prison Board
Left to Right: Christian Leinbach (Commissioner), Judge Scott Lash, Michael Rivera (Commissioner), Joe Rudderow (Controller), John Adams (District Attorney), Dante Santoni, Jr. (Commissioner), and Acting Sheriff Mandy Miller (Not Pictured)
Chairman: Judge Scott Lash
Vice Chairman: Michael Rivera, Commissioner
Secretary: Dante Santoni, Commissioner
Solicitor: Christine Sadler, Solicitor
Members: Christian Leinbach, Commissioner; Dante Santoni, Jr., Commissioner; John Adams, District Attorney, and Acting Sheriff Mandy Miller.
Meetings: The second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 AM
Location: Online Meeting (check the Online Meetings page for the next meeting/location)
Prison Board Minutes: Click here
What Is The Prison Board?
The Prison Board is responsible for the safe-keeping, discipline, and employment of prisoners, and the government and management of the institution.
Why is there a Prison Board?
The Prison Board is in effect, in compliance with Pennsylvania Title 61 Pa. C.S.A. Below is an excerpt of this regulation:
1731. Establishment
(a) General rule. —
(1) In counties of the third, fourth and fifth class, the persons now holding the following offices and their successors in each county of the third, fourth or fifth class shall compose a board to be known as the board of inspectors of the jail or county prison.
(2) The following persons shall be members of the board:
(i) The president judge of the court of common pleas or a judge designated by him.
(ii) The district attorney.
(iii) The sheriff.
(iv) The controller.
(v) The county commissioners.