Detective Services
Detective Services
Crime Enforcement and Forensic Services
In general, the police departments in Berks County are staffed by twenty-five or fewer sworn officers. The majority of these officers are assigned to patrol duties and have limited specialized training. These departments must balance their resources, manpower and finances with the concerns and demands of the community. Often it becomes difficult to stretch their available resources and address community issues.
In recent years, Berks County has experienced a population growth in its rural and small town areas, which growth is expected to continue in the future. Much of this growth can be attributed to the population migration out of big cities and into the rural communities. Rising crime rates are a common correlation to this migration into our suburban and rural communities, which places a great strain on the smaller police departments.
The Berks County Detectives work closely with police officers from over forty local Berks County police departments and state and federal law enforcement agencies. The majority of the Berks County Detectives are seasoned veterans with a vast amount of police experience and expertise, which they acquired from specialized schools and training. The Berks County Detectives offer their specialized services to those departments that do not have the expertise and or resources to successfully investigate a specific crime. The specialized units are listed on this page.
Enforcement Services

The Auto Theft Task Force is the newest addition to the duties performed by detectives in the Berks County District Attorney’s Office. Auto theft is one of the largest property crimes committed in Berks County.

Our office supports efforts by local non-profit associations and organizations by ensuring all licensed bingo operations are operated in accordance with applicable state law.

It is the mission of the Berks County District Attorney's Office, in conjunction with Berks County Children and Youth Services, to investigate incidents of reported child abuse. This is accomplished through a coordinated system designed to provide the victims with a unified approach in order to promote the well-being of child victims of abuse in Berks County.

How we help? Initiates follow-up contacts with all victims of domestic violence whose cases are reported to the unit .....

Research indicates that older people are more likely to be victims of certain crimes: fraud, strong-arm robbery, and more. Read more about precautions you can take today.

The Berks County Narcotics Team is the drug enforcement arm of the Berks County District Attorney’s Office.
Forensic Services


General Information
District Attorney John T. Adams is committed to supplement the needs of the local law enforcement community with trained and experienced detectives from the Berks County Detective Bureau.
Also, the District Attorney has pledged financial support from the drug forfeiture account to provide those departments with the equipment and training needed to combat the war on crime, which plagues our community.
Accordingly, District Attorney John T. Adams recognizes the needs of law enforcement in Berks County and is committed to providing the support, which will ensure a safer community.
-Chief County Detective Michael J. Gombar